We are Independent Wholistic, Community-based Spiritual Practitioners. We are non-religious.
We do not practice Medicine; We are not Medical Doctors, Dietitians, Nutritionists, or Psychologists.
We offer Coaching, Consulting, and Education through Nature-based information.
We speak from our own personal and professional experiences, as well as what we have learned through our independent research, formal trainings, and professional education.
Our products are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, although this does not devalue the
quality, safety, and efficacy of what we provide to our customers.
The information we share does not replace your regularly scheduled Doctor’s visits.
The content and resources provided are not prescriptive; it is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any health condition.
It should only be used as a guide for educational purposes only.
We are strong Advocates for Self-Help/Self-Care which is Community Care..
We encourage you to be proactive and do your own research along your Healing Journey,
in order to Heal YourSelf.
Black Fruit International, LLC ® 2015-2023
The Gambia, West Africa